





          起因是一位男學生的媽媽吐槽: 緊身褲給男學生太多性暗示了。

          美國印地安納州的圣母大學(University of Notre Dame),一所本科教育穩居全美前20的頂尖學府,最近因一場關于“緊身褲”的爭論上了熱搜。

          該大學的一位男學生的母親Maryann White,實名在校方媒體上發表了一篇文章,抨擊該校女學生們穿緊身褲(leggings) ...

          圖 via 網絡

          這篇文章的標題就叫《緊身褲問題》 ...

          圖 via ndsmcobserver.com

          我們來看下為何這位媽媽無法接受女學生穿緊身褲這件事 。

          I’ve thought about writing this letter for a long time. I waited, hoping that fashions would change and such a letter would be unnecessary — but that doesn’t seem to be happening. I’m not trying toinsult anyone or infringe upon anyone’s rights . I’m just a Catholic mother of four sons with a problem that only girls can solve:leggings .

          我早就想寫這封信了。我等了很久,希望時尚潮流能改變,讓這封信不再有必要。但目前看來,潮流還沒變。我寫的內容不是為了攻擊任何人或侵犯任何人的權利 。我是一位信仰天主教的母親,有四個兒子。目前我們遇到一個問題,只有女孩子們能幫忙解決。這個問題關于緊身褲 。

          The emergence of leggings as pants some years agobaffled me. They’re such anunforgiving garment . Last fall, theyobtruded painfully on my landscape. I was with my family. In front of us was a group of young women, all wearing verysnug-fitting leggings and all wearingshort-waisted tops (so that the lower body was uncovered except for the leggings). Some of them truly looked as though the leggings had been painted on them.

          幾年前緊身褲開始成為一種普遍的褲子,這讓我非常困惑 。這是一種無法饒恕的服裝。去年秋天,這種服裝闖入 我的視野了,讓我極為痛苦。當時我跟我家人們在一起。走在我們前面的是一群年輕的女性,且都穿著緊而合身的緊身褲 ,上半身穿著短款上衣(她們的下半身只有緊身褲遮蓋)。有的人的緊身褲,看起來就像畫在他們腿上。

          The legging problem (via ndsmcobserver.com)

          圖 via 網絡;美國女明星們穿緊身褲的街拍很普遍

          這位母親繼續吐槽,稱穿包裹性如此之強的服裝是女性的恥辱;只會讓身后的男人們忍不住看她們的臀部 ...

          I thought of all the other men around and behind us who couldn’t help but see theirbehinds . My sonsknow better than to ogle a woman’s body — certainly when I’m around (and hopefully, also when I’m not). They didn’t stare, and they didn’t comment afterwards. But you couldn’t help but see thoseblackly naked rear ends . I didn’t want to see them — but they were unavoidable. How much more difficult for young guys to ignore them.

          我們身旁和身后的男性們,很多都本能地看向這些女孩子的臀部 。我的兒子們還不至于盯著女人的身體看(當然有我在的時候,希望我不在的時候也是如此);他們沒盯著那些女生看,后來也沒發表評論。但憑心而論,很多人都會控制不住看向包裹在黑色緊身褲里光滑的臀部 。我也不想看,但是還是會瞄到。要年輕的男性們克制不去看,是多么困難啊。

          The legging problem (via ndsmcobserver.com)

          圖 via CNN


          圖 via washingtonpost.com;“想想那些有兒子的母親們”:圣母大學的一位母親請求女學生別再穿緊身褲,但卻引起抗議

          圖 via edition.cnn.com;她對她們說緊身褲太有性暗示了,于是她們穿起緊身褲反抗

          我們來圍觀下CNN的報道 。

          "Leggings are so naked, so form fitting, so exposing.Could you think of the mothers of sons the next time you go shopping and consider choosing jeans instead?" a Catholic mother wrote.

          一位信仰天主教的母親稱:“緊身褲太赤裸了,太緊身了,太暴露了。姑娘們,下次購物的時候,能不能考慮下那些有兒子的母親的感受 ,買牛仔褲而不是緊身褲”。

          She also blamed the entertainment and fashion industries for making it hard on women to teach their sons that women should be respected.


          She told them leggings were too suggestive, so they wore them in protest (via edition.cnn.com)



          賣緊身褲的老板內心OS: 都是我的錯...

          毫不意外,這位母親的觀點迅速引起網友抗議。 但網友們抗議的方式,還有點可愛。


          圖 via CNN; 我秀腿,我開心,我自豪



          圖 via Twitter; 牛仔衣配緊身褲的穿搭


          圖 via instagram


          I love purple. I love leggings. It stands to reason that I -love- purple leggings.


          But on a more serious note: let’s all try a bit harder to not shame people for what they choose to wear. Fashion is amulti-party activity . #leggingsdayND ...



          資料:ndsmcobserver.com; edition.cnn.com;Twitter; Ins

          圖:網絡;CNN; washingtonpost.com; Ins; Twitter; 網絡



          起因是一位男學生的媽媽吐槽: 緊身褲給男學生太多性暗示了。

          美國印地安納州的圣母大學(University of Notre Dame),一所本科教育穩居全美前20的頂尖學府,最近因一場關于“緊身褲”的爭論上了熱搜。

          該大學的一位男學生的母親Maryann White,實名在校方媒體上發表了一篇文章,抨擊該校女學生們穿緊身褲(leggings) ...

          圖 via 網絡

          這篇文章的標題就叫《緊身褲問題》 ...

          圖 via ndsmcobserver.com

          我們來看下為何這位媽媽無法接受女學生穿緊身褲這件事 。

          I’ve thought about writing this letter for a long time. I waited, hoping that fashions would change and such a letter would be unnecessary — but that doesn’t seem to be happening. I’m not trying toinsult anyone or infringe upon anyone’s rights . I’m just a Catholic mother of four sons with a problem that only girls can solve:leggings .

          我早就想寫這封信了。我等了很久,希望時尚潮流能改變,讓這封信不再有必要。但目前看來,潮流還沒變。我寫的內容不是為了攻擊任何人或侵犯任何人的權利 。我是一位信仰天主教的母親,有四個兒子。目前我們遇到一個問題,只有女孩子們能幫忙解決。這個問題關于緊身褲 。

          The emergence of leggings as pants some years agobaffled me. They’re such anunforgiving garment . Last fall, theyobtruded painfully on my landscape. I was with my family. In front of us was a group of young women, all wearing verysnug-fitting leggings and all wearingshort-waisted tops (so that the lower body was uncovered except for the leggings). Some of them truly looked as though the leggings had been painted on them.

          幾年前緊身褲開始成為一種普遍的褲子,這讓我非常困惑 。這是一種無法饒恕的服裝。去年秋天,這種服裝闖入 我的視野了,讓我極為痛苦。當時我跟我家人們在一起。走在我們前面的是一群年輕的女性,且都穿著緊而合身的緊身褲 ,上半身穿著短款上衣(她們的下半身只有緊身褲遮蓋)。有的人的緊身褲,看起來就像畫在他們腿上。

          The legging problem (via ndsmcobserver.com)

          這位母親繼續吐槽,稱穿包裹性如此之強的服裝是女性的恥辱;只會讓身后的男人們忍不住看她們的臀部 ...

          I thought of all the other men around and behind us who couldn’t help but see theirbehinds . My sonsknow better than to ogle a woman’s body — certainly when I’m around (and hopefully, also when I’m not). They didn’t stare, and they didn’t comment afterwards. But you couldn’t help but see thoseblackly naked rear ends . I didn’t want to see them — but they were unavoidable. How much more difficult for young guys to ignore them.

          我們身旁和身后的男性們,很多都本能地看向這些女孩子的臀部 。我的兒子們還不至于盯著女人的身體看(當然有我在的時候,希望我不在的時候也是如此);他們沒盯著那些女生看,后來也沒發表評論。但憑心而論,很多人都會控制不住看向包裹在黑色緊身褲里光滑的臀部 。我也不想看,但是還是會瞄到。要年輕的男性們克制不去看,是多么困難啊。

          The legging problem (via ndsmcobserver.com)

          圖 via CNN


          圖 via washingtonpost.com;“想想那些有兒子的母親們”:圣母大學的一位母親請求女學生別再穿緊身褲,但卻引起抗議

          圖 via edition.cnn.com;她對她們說緊身褲太有性暗示了,于是她們穿起緊身褲反抗

          我們來圍觀下CNN的報道 。

          "Leggings are so naked, so form fitting, so exposing.Could you think of the mothers of sons the next time you go shopping and consider choosing jeans instead?" a Catholic mother wrote.

          一位信仰天主教的母親稱:“緊身褲太赤裸了,太緊身了,太暴露了。姑娘們,下次購物的時候,能不能考慮下那些有兒子的母親的感受 ,買牛仔褲而不是緊身褲”。

          She also blamed the entertainment and fashion industries for making it hard on women to teach their sons that women should be respected.


          She told them leggings were too suggestive, so they wore them in protest (via edition.cnn.com)



          賣緊身褲的老板內心OS: 都是我的錯...

          毫不意外,這位母親的觀點迅速引起網友抗議。 但網友們抗議的方式,還有點可愛。


          圖 via CNN; 我秀腿,我開心,我自豪



          圖 via Twitter; 牛仔衣配緊身褲的穿搭


          圖 via instagram


          I love purple. I love leggings. It stands to reason that I -love- purple leggings.


          But on a more serious note: let’s all try a bit harder to not shame people for what they choose to wear. Fashion is amulti-party activity . #leggingsdayND ...



          資料:ndsmcobserver.com; edition.cnn.com;Twitter; Ins

          圖:網絡;CNN; washingtonpost.com; Ins; Twitter; 網絡



          1 Jenny's grandma is having a birthday party at her house.


          1.1 have a birthday party舉辦生日聚會,have在此意為舉行,舉辦

          have a meeting開會

          1.2 at her house在她家里

          2 Jenny is making a birthday card for her.

          make a birthday card for sb.為某人制作一張生日卡片。

          3 She is using paper and crayons to make the card. 她正在用紙和蠟筆制作卡片。

          3.1 use sth. to do sth.用……干……

          3.2 paper紙,不可數名詞

          a piece of paper一張紙

          3.3 crayon蠟筆,可數名詞

          3.4 make a card制作一張卡片

          4 She is putting a picture of her family on the front. And inside the card her family will write something for Grandma.


          4.1 put sth. on the front把某物放在正面

          4.2 front名詞,正面,前面,前部

          4.3 a picture of her family一張她家人的照片



          4.5 inside介詞,在……里面,反義詞outside

          4.6 write sth. for sb.為某人寫東西

          5 I am writing a poem for Grandma.


          6 Roses are red and the sky is blue.

          You are a great grandma and I love you.

          Happy Birthday!

          love, —Bob






          6.1 rose名詞玫瑰(花)可數名詞,形容詞,粉紅色的

          a bunch of roses一束玫瑰花。

          6.2 great形容詞,偉大的,大的,重大的,顯著的,非常的,十足的,

          7 I am writing a riddle for Grandma.



          Happy Birthday Mum!

          Have a wonderful birthday!

          Do you like your birthday present ? It's small and soft

          It says,“Woof ,Woof!”

          What is it?









          7.1 wonderful形容詞,精彩的,奇妙的,極好的,棒的,妙的

          7.2 a wonderful birthday一個愉快的生曰

          7.3 a birthday present一件/個生曰禮物

          7.4 soft 形容詞,軟的,柔軟的

          soft drink軟飲料


          8 I am drawing a picture of Grandma and me.我正在畫一張我和奶奶的圖畫。

          draw a picture of sb.畫一張某人的圖畫

          9 culture tip文化小貼士

          10 When your age and the date of your birthday match, it's called a lucky birthday. 當你的年齡和你的生日日期相同時,它就被稱為幸運生日。

          10.1 the date of sb. birthday某人的生日日期


          play a football match舉行足球比賽


          10.3 sb./sth. be called... ...被稱為...

          10.4 a lucky birthday一個幸運生日

          11 For example,Jack's birthday is on the 15th and he is turning 15

          this year. It's his lucky birthday!


          11.1 for example例如

          11.2 on the 15th birthday在15歲生日(在第15個生日)

          11.3 15th序數詞=fifth

          11.4 he is turning 15 this year.今年他正好(輪轉)到15歲。


          12 fill in the blanks using the present continuous tense用現在進行時填空

          13 make breakfast做早餐

          have fun玩得高興

          go shopping去購物

          write a story寫一個故事

          14 Lily is putting the books into her schoolbag.莉莉正把書放進她的書包里。

          14.1 put加ing需雙寫t即putting

          14.2 put sth. into sth.把某物放進……里

          14.3 schoolbag書包



          1 micro blog微博

          2 Today is my grandma's birthday. My family is having a party.



          2.1 my family我家,做主語,謂語用單數

          2.2 have a Party舉辦一個聚會

          3 It's at my grandme and grandpe's



          4 My mother and Aunt Jane are cooking.我的媽好和簡嬸嬸正在坐飯


          5 My brother Bob is setting the table. 我的哥哥鮑勃正在擺放餐具。

          5.1 Bob是My brother的同位語,

          5.2 set the table擺放餐具

          6 My gandpa, my father and Uncle Fred are talking and laughing.



          6.2 talk and laugh又說又笑

          7 My sister Lynn is playing with my cousin, Heidi.我的妹妹琳正在和我的堂女妹海蒂玩。


          play with sb.和某人玩

          8 My grandma gets many presents. She loves the present from my mum-a little dog! His name is Teacup.


          8.1 get sth.得到某物

          8.2 love sth.喜受某物


          9 My grandma is old, but she likes to have fun. She is dancing with my cousins. 我的奶奶年紀大了,但是她喜歡玩樂。她正在和我的堂兄妹們跳舞。

          9.1 like to do sth.喜歡干某事

          9.2 have fun玩得愉快

          10We are all happy.我們都很開心。


          I love my grandma.我愛我的奶奶。


          11 I usually set the table before supper. But now my sister is setting the table.

          11.1 usually用于一般現在時


          11.2 set the table擺放餐具

          11..3 before supper.晚飯前

          12. My parents often sit in a chair. But now they are sitting on the sofa.

          12.1 ofen經常,常常,用于一般現在時

          12.2 sit in a chair坐在椅子上

          12.3 sit on the sofa坐在沙發上

          13. Look! Tiantian is singing and Lingling is dancing. They look so happy!

          13.1 正在進行的動作用現在進行時,

          13.2 look so happy看起來那么開心

          14. Charlie usually talks with his friends on the phone. But now he is writing a letter to them.

          14.1 talk with sb. on the phone


          14.2 write a letter to sb.給某人寫一封信

          15. Li Hua often walks to school. But now he is riding his bicycle.

          15.1 walk to school步行去學校

          15.2 rid the bicycle騎自行車

          16 at a birthday Party在一個生日晚會上

          write a short passage 寫一篇短文

          present sth. to sb.把某物展示給某人

          the class 全班同學們


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